Never Give Up Hope

Having positive people around is always a positive thing in life. Momma always told me surround yourself with people that has the same goals and values as you. People are very toxic and like to share negative attitudes and vibes. Like Kendrick Lamar said ***** don’t kill my vibe. Every time I’m out and don’t feel like I can go on with life or this struggle there is always some positive person beside me. I have God, the only person that keeps me going including my momma.

This college experience so far has been a positive out look on life. It makes you grow and see that being on your own ain’t easy at all. Not having your mother be your alarm clock in the morning or telling you that you have to go to school is hard. You honestly have the choice to go to class or not. Just know that you’re still paying your teacher for nothing when you don’t show up. Don’t having the funds either is hard, teaches you to budget your money, which is a good thing and can be a long life trait to have in the long run in life.

Some people take the college experience as a negative thing because it’s hard and completely different from elementary, middle and high school. Me on the other hand I take it as a growing up experience and a stepping stone to begin my new life as an adult. I take nothing for granite I’m Blessed to just be here and be able afford it.
