Never Give Up Hope

Having positive people around is always a positive thing in life. Momma always told me surround yourself with people that has the same goals and values as you. People are very toxic and like to share negative attitudes and vibes. Like Kendrick Lamar said ***** don’t kill my vibe. Every time I’m out and don’t feel like I can go on with life or this struggle there is always some positive person beside me. I have God, the only person that keeps me going including my momma.

This college experience so far has been a positive out look on life. It makes you grow and see that being on your own ain’t easy at all. Not having your mother be your alarm clock in the morning or telling you that you have to go to school is hard. You honestly have the choice to go to class or not. Just know that you’re still paying your teacher for nothing when you don’t show up. Don’t having the funds either is hard, teaches you to budget your money, which is a good thing and can be a long life trait to have in the long run in life.

Some people take the college experience as a negative thing because it’s hard and completely different from elementary, middle and high school. Me on the other hand I take it as a growing up experience and a stepping stone to begin my new life as an adult. I take nothing for granite I’m Blessed to just be here and be able afford it.


Review: IPhones VS Android

With technology quickly evolving and new smartphones popping out of nowhere every time you turn around.   I think this just might be the hardest decision of my life. My family has been separated from this decision. My boyfriend has even left me over this decision. The time is here though as I stand here and look over these two wonderful, amazing, beautiful, outstanding and fantasying options. Two of the most popular smartphones are IPhones and IPhones biggest competitor Androids. I can’t decide if I want an iPhone or android. I really want an iPhone because they always come out with the new updates and with new apps. On the other hand with androids you can customize it and make it your own phone and make it look different and just wait a little longer before you finally get the new apps and updates. IPhones and Androids are different smartphones. They are made from different people and have different components that make them unique.

IPhones have only been in this world for six years. IPhones were the first ever touch-screen smartphone. IPhones are made by Apple, and only by Apple. They have a tight control over the hardware and software. Apple comes out with a new iPhone every year, and every year they come out bigger and better. IOS come outs are like a waiting game. People count down the days when the next IOS drops. IPhone has a lot of cool features.  A few of the features are IPhones charge faster when they are on airplane mode. You can create a password with letters instead of numbers. You can use the volume up or volume down buttons to take a photo, as long as the camera app is open. Furthermore, you can set your phone to emit light for lights instead of noise, meaning instead of having your phone vibrate or ring when you get a call or a text, you can have it emit an LED flash. IPhone cameras are way better than any phone. They are known for taking beautiful pictures. IPhones have over thousand apps in their Apple iTunes app store.  Since every IPhone that has come out after IPhone 3 has become thin, lighter, bigger and pretty. IPhones have a thing called a cloud, which backs everything up in memory. I like iPhones simply because they’re very handy and very smart for a smartphones. Unfortunately, IPhones aren’t always perfect. If you don’t have an otter box on your iPhone then when u drop it say bye bye because iPhones crack so easily.  With the IPhone 6 that just came out, if you put it in your back pocket they bend. Also, IPhones have a lot of freeze ups randomly. That’s not good at all, but every IPhone isn’t perfect. They get the job done though.

Androids have a better customization as usual. Androids hardware and software is controlled by Google. Google offers their software out to a lot of makers. Google made a good choice with that because you get to choose between lots of android phones, all vary in sizes, weight, and features. Androids rarely come with new updates, so which you get an update enjoy it because it will be a very long time before you get another one. Androids Google paly app store doesn’t have as many apps as IPhones. They have so many models and it’s hard to develop all the apps for all android phones. Sooner or later the android phones will come out with the most popular apps from IPhone to android phones. Androids have a lot of phone unlock options. Androids were good and better for people with seeing problems because of their larger screens. Androids battery life is very good, especially when you’re on the internet. Androids have a great transit direction in maps. They give great directions and really let you know what’s going on in traffic. Also, Androids aren’t perfect as well. Their camera is not as good and not good for taking sefies. Androids also are bad for glitches and running slow.

Both Android and IPhones are similar, but different at the same time.  I would go for an Android because they fit me. I like how they are big and you get to customize your phone to fit you and what you like. I feel Androids came out with just about everything and IPhone just copied it. Androids have so many things that I love better than IPhone. Androids have a better notification bar and visible file system. Makes it easier to see exactly what’s going on with your phone. I have an android now and I was really faced with the decision with wanting an IPhone or android. I had to do a review to see what I wanted and see what was going to fit me and android came out on top. I love my android and wouldn’t change for a thing.

Worked Citied Page

“IPhone 6 vs. Android: 9 Signs You’re A Samsung User Who Should Switch To Apple.” International Business Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.

Behind the wheel…..🚘🚘🚘🚘

I remember like it was yesterday when my daddy👨 taught me how to drive. During my younger 👶ages he would let me get on his lap while he was driving. When I turned 15, I began to drive in the drivers seat by myself while my father was in the passengers side guiding me and teaching me. I hated 🙅driving with my daddy because he always made me feel like I was already a pro driver. Every Time I made a mistake he made it seem like I wasn’t suppose to make that mistake. With my momma 👩on the other hand, she never really let me drive and when she did it only lasted for about 30 minutes. She was very nerves and made me drive 10 under the speed limit. 😒. When she was nerves she made me nerves and that’s not a good thing so I continued to drive with my daddy. He let drive everywhere and anywhere. I picked up on driving pretty well and quickly.

When I turned 16 I went and took my permit test and failed it twice but third time was the charm and I got it. I begun to drive a lot more. Oh when I turned 17 though….😎😎 I felt like the man when I drove though haha!! No one couldn’t tell me nothing when I was driving with my license. After I started driving by myself I hated it, because I never could drive where I wanted, I could only go and do stuff for my brothers or parents. 😣😣. Later on in the year as I was becoming a senior my mother bought me my own car. Had it for a day and I wrecked it by heading to school trying to kill a spider and took my eyes off the road to long. I went under a fierce and then I hit a pole 😪😭😩. I had my two younger brothers with me and the one in the passenger seat got hurt the worst. We came out alright and blessed to still be alive. Now I have to work and pay for my own car haha!!



Well Hello My name is Jomecia Farmer

Hi, my name is Jomecia Farmer. I’m a freshman at MTSU majoring in Business Administration. I was born and raised in Knoxville, TN. I attended and graduated from Gibbs High School. I love the colors purple, pink, green and blue. Some of my favorite foods are pizza rolls, cream spinach and fried pickles. I am a cashier at good ole Wal-Mart. I have been working there for over a year.I like it only because i make money, but other than that it makes me really want to go to college and make something out of my life.

When I’m not working or at school I like to be adventurous and do things out the box. I just don’t like being bored or around boring people. My future goals in life are to graduate from college with a good GPA. Then,I would have the opportunity to take what I have learned and accomplished at MTSU and make a successful life. Also, my claim to fame is that I was born with twelve fingers, and I am a survivor of a terrible car accident due to a spider. Glory to god that I am still alive and living.  

 Picture of me in my younger days and then a few months before graduation.   trans